Films, documentaries, TV series:
- Pandora's Box (1929) G Pabst
- M (1931) Fritz Lang
- The Thomas Crown Affairs (1968) N Jewison
- Bullitt (1968) P Yates
- Get Carter (1971) M Hodges
- Alien (1979) R Scott
- Aliens (1986) J Cameron
- The Thirteenth Floor (1999) J Rusnak
- Mystic River (2003) C Eastwood
- Deadwood, Season 1 (2004)
- Arrested Development, S2 (2004-5)
- Arrested Development, S3 (2005-6)
- Zodiac (2007) D Fincher
- District 9 (2009) N Blonkamp
- Argo (2012) Ben Affleck
- Tiger King (2020)
Academic Essays
Philosophy of Mind
- J Fodor (2004) Having concepts
Applied ethics
- J Danahar et alia (2017) Should we campaign against sex robots?
Short Stories
- A Kazantsev (1947) Explosion
- T Sturgeon (1947) Thunder and roses
- A&B Stugatsky (1958) The spontaneous reflex
- R Silverberg (1968) Passengers
- B Sterling (1989) We see things differently
- S Lukyanenko (1992) My dad's an antibiotics
- Chen Qiufan (2012) The Fish of Lijiang
- Chen Qiufan (2019) Affective Fallacy