Films, documentaries, TV series:
- A Farewell to Arms (1932) F Borzage
- The Black Cat (1934) EG Ulmer
- Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) S Spielberg
- The Great Hack (2019) K Amer & J Noujaim
Academic essays
Philosophy of Mind
- R Carnap (1932/3) Psychology in physical language
- C Hempel (1949) The logical analysis of psychology
- JC Smart (1959) Sensations and brain processes
- UT Place (1956) Is consciousness a brain process?
- D Lewis (1966) An argument for the identity theory
- H Putnam (1967) The nature of mental states
- J Fodor (1974) Special sciences
- N Block (1978) Troubles with functionalism
- D Lewis (1980) Mad pain and Martian pain
- PM Churchland (1981) Eliminative materialism and the propositional attitudes
- J Kim (1992) Multiple realisation and the metaphysics of reduction
- T Crane (2003) Mental substances
- B Montero & D Papineau (2016) Naturalism and physicalism
Short stories:
- HG Wells (1905) The Empire of the Ants
- S Weinbaum (1934) A Martian Odyssey
- D Buzzati (1942) Il Borghese Stregato
- D Keyes (1959) Flowers for Algernon
- PK Dick (1968) The Electric Ant
- S Lem (1971) Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy-I
- HG Wells (1895) The Time Machine
- M Bulgakov (1925) Heart of a Dog