Films, documentaries, TV series:
- The Cloud Capped Star (1960) R Ghatak
- The Great Escape (1963) J Sturges
- Why Does Herr R Run Amok? (1970) RW Fassbendir
- Vanishing Point (1971) R Sarafin
- The Taking of Phelam 1, 2, 3 (1974) J Sargent
- 35 Shots of Rum (2008) C Denis
- Poetry (2010) CD Lee
- Beautiful Boy (2018) F van Groeningen
- Burning (2018) CD Lee
Academic Essays
Aesthetics/Phil of Art
- C Brooks (1947) The heresy of paraphrase
- G Currie (1991) Work and text
- D Bordwell (1996) Convention, construction and cinematic vision
- P Livingston (2005) literary aesthetics and the aims of criticism
- S Feagin (2015) Reading plays as literature
Philosophy of Mind/Perception/Concepts (Phil/Cog Science)
- E Smith & D Osheron (1984) Conceptual combination with prototype concepts
- J Fodor (1985) Fodor's guide to mental representation
- T Burge (1986) Intellectual norms and foundations of mind
- T Burge (1993) Concepts, definition and meaning
- J Fodor (1995) Concepts: a potboiler
- D Medin et alia (2000) Are there kinds of concepts?
- K Johnson (2004) On the systematicity of language and thought
- E Margolis & S Laurence (2007) The ontology of concepts
- V Giardino & M Greenberg (2012) Varieties of iconicity
- D Weiskopf (2014) The architecture of higher thought
- E Camp (2015) Logical concepts and associative characteristics
- Å Wikforss (2018) Incomplete understanding of concepts
- J Lackey (2011) Testimony
Fiction (short stories/plays)
- Euripides (405BCE) The Bacchae
- W Faulkner (1930) A rose for Emily
- JP Sartre (1946) The Respectable Prostitute
- A Adamov (1953) Professor Taranne
- R Carver (1983) Cathedral
Fiction (books)
- J Conrad (1904) Nostromo
- J Thompson (1958) The Getaway