Films, documentaries, TV series:
- The French Connection (1971) W Friedkin
- The Getaway (1972) S Peckinpah
- Roma a mano armata (1976) U Lenzi
- The Driver (1978) W Hill
- Babel (2006) A Inarritu
- Boyhood (2014) R Linklater
- 1917 (2019) S Mendes
- Ozark, Season 3 (2020)
- Better Call Saul, Season 5 (2020)
Academic Essays
Epistemology/Philosophy of Mind/Aesthetics
- N Carroll (1998) Art, narrative and moral understanding
- J Fodor (2007) The revenge of the given (I dislike the style, though)
- E Camp (2009) Putting thoughts to work
- R Bonzon (2009) Think aesthetic concepts
- D Pritchard (2010) The nature and value of knowledge: chapter 4
- S Laurence & E Margolis (2012) The scope of the conceptual
- N Zangwill (2014) Music, metaphor, and aesthetic concepts
- A Hill (2016) Understanding why
- J Bengson (2018) The unity of understanding
Short Stories
- R Bradbury (1952) A Sound of Thunder
- Caesar (58–49) The Gallic War